PBL - Project-Based Learning - Through Project-Based Learning, students explore real-world problems to achieve deeper knowledge. This is a great method for engaging students and meeting their individual learning needs.
Project Based Learning -Engages Students, Garners Results. This informative article from eSchoolNews provides real-world examples and ideas for implementing PBL.
Project-based learning web resources from Edutopia offer teachers great ideas including video clips of PBL in action.
Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learning: ASCD offers steps for getting started in Project-Bases Learning.
This Stanford University article outlines the features of problem-based learning, including class structure and format, organization, and assessment.
ESSDACK's own Ginger Lewman provides Tips and Solutions and PBL Recipe Cards at Life Practice PBL. Lifepracticepbl.org
For research supporting PBL, go to the Buck Institute for Education and Edutopia
4teachers offers PBL checklists for writing, science, oral presentation, and multimedia for different grade bands.
Edutopia provides direction for creating Driving Questions for projects.
Another Live Binder from Ginger Lewman addresses assessment.
For help creating authentic assessments for projects, check out Edutopia
Check out Ginger Lewman's website for more on Ginger, and PBL!!