Learning Difficulties

There are many reasons why students have difficulty decoding and comprehending text. These resources were compiled by literacy leaders across Kansas to help teachers find strategies to help all students.


Autism and Asperger Syndrome


Learning Disabilities

  • All Kinds of Minds Learning Base provides insights into the learning challenges that students face. Take a close look at the skills that must be mastered, the neurodevelopmental factors that may influence student's success, and common obstacles that students may encounter on the road to mastery. We'll also offer hints and suggested activities that may help them minimize or overcome their differences in learning.
  • Council for Exceptional Children is largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and/or the gifted. This link will take you to resources listed by exceptionality.
  • Learning Disabilities Association of America is a national organization of parents, professionals and individuals with learning disabilities. This site contains extensive information about learning disabilities.
  • LDOnline is a wonderful interactive guide to learning disabilities and ADHD for parents, teachers, and children.

Tourettes Syndrome

Vision - Tracking Issues

  • Tracking Issues: Live Ink text is designed to match the eye's physical ability to "see" with the brain's capacity to "comprehend." The result equals faster reading with greater comprehension. 2007 Walker Reader Technologies, Inc.
  • Children's Vision Information Network - A website with extensive information on the impact of vision on students' learning and reading.
