Reading Assessments

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Kansas Reading Assessment:

KSDE General Assessment Homepage - the source for materials and updates related to all Kansas State Assessments.

Kansas Assessment Program provides information on assessments aligned with Common Core State Standards

Test preparation strategies:

  • Teach the genre of Reading Assessment. Reading to take a standardized test is different from other types of reading. The purpose is to "Figure Out the Answers" to test makers’ questions. This requires additional reading strategies.
  • Teach terminology and test language. Use the same language in the classroom that students will encounter on the test.
  • Teach the reader, not the reading. Discuss HOW students arrived at their answers. Focus more on strategies, and less on answers.
  • Teach students to look for evidence rom the text, to support their answers. “Use the text, not your life experience, to choose the answer.”
  • Use (but don’t overuse) test practice materials to familiarize students with test format.

Attachments, links, and resources are listed below for screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring assessments.

Web Links:

  • AIMSWeb Progress Monitoring and RTI - A K-8 progress monitoring system based on direct, frequent and continuous student assessment. The results are reported to students, parents, teachers and administrators via a web-based data management and reporting system to determine response to intervention.
  • Assessment Database from SEDL - A comprehensive database of criterion and norm-referenced reading assessments, including summary charts, feature comparisions, prices, and links to publishers.
  • DIBELS - A screening tool that assesses the essential elements of reading K-6.
    • Grouping Students Worksheet
    • Analyzing a K-6 Student Booklet Worksheet (adapted from Susan Hall's book, "We've Dibel'd Now What")
  • D.R.A. 2 - A diagnostic assessment tool for primary grades.
  • Gray Diagnostic Reading Test 2 (GDRT 2)- has four core subtests: Letter/Word Identification, Phonetic Analysis, Reading Vocabulary, and Meaningful Reading. The three supplemental subtests--Listening Vocabulary, Rapid Naming, and Phonological Awareness--measure skills that play an important role in the diagnosis or teaching of developmental readers or children with dyslexia.
  • Running Records - Give you accuracy, error, and self-correction rate as well as the type of errors the child is making.
  • NWEA MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) Assessments - are state-aligned computerized adaptive tests that accurately reflect the instructional level of each student and measure growth over time (reading, math, and language usage).
  • STEEP (iSTEEP)- System to Enhance Educational Performance is a comprehensive range of benchmark assessments, progress monitoring assessments, and a powerful web-based system for interpreting the data and making decisions. (K-12 assessments for reading, early literacy, reading comprehension, and math.) 

Phonological Awareness:

  • PAST - A phonological awareness assessment found in the book, Sounds in Action.



  • Gray Oral Reading Test 4 - -(GORT-4) provides an efficient and objective measure of growth in oral reading and an aid in the diagnosis of oral reading difficulties. Five scores give information on a student's oral reading skills in terms of rate, accuracy, fluency, comprehension, and overall reading ability.
  • Reading A - Z Fluency Passages - Leveled passages for fluency rate.




  • Gray Oral Reading Test 4 -(GORT-4) provides an efficient and objective measure of growth in oral reading and an aid in the diagnosis of oral reading difficulties. Five scores give information on a student's oral reading skills in terms of rate, accuracy, fluency, comprehension, and overall reading ability.
  • Gray Silent Reading Test - (GSRT) was developed to be used independently or as an adjunct to the Gray Oral Reading Test-4th Ed. (GORT 4). The GSRT helps you quickly and efficiently measure an individual's silent reading comprehension ability.
  • Scholastic Reading Inventory (SRI)- An assessment for comprehension based on sentence structure and vocabulary for all levels.
  • STAR Test - A cloze reading assessment. It will give a grade equivalent level, instructional reading level, and zone of proximal development.


