Below are several examples of how to integrate technology and writing:
Audio File and Podcasting Ideas:
List generated by participants of the Technology and Integration Workshop on October 10, 2007)
- Book Reviews
- Dramatic Interpretation
- Research Notes
- Interviews (authors, special speaker, other classmates, teachers, etc.)
- Field Trips
- Vocabulary Words-learn how to pronounce and the definition.
- Tell the story in the mp3 player and then write the story
- Record notes from their reading after every chapter or section
- Orally record directions or lessons for absent students
- Any form of writing can be published as an audiobook
- Vocabulary and Grammar Jingles ( a noun is a noun...)
- Literature Circle Discussions
- Interview a person in history
- Story Problem of the Day
- Daily News Headlines
- Read a story another child has written
- Cooking Show-technical writing
- Recording directions
- Observations (crime scene investigations, teacher observations)
- Practice summarizing or retelling stories
- Science experiments-experimental design
- Author's purpose-have students talk and then class determines author's purpose
- Content Knowledge (i.e. fractions, multiplication, division, properties, explain how to solve problem)
- Speak essays for tests.
- Finish a story in history...tell what happened.
- Noise blocker
- Social skills, rules, procedures, and orientation- (I wish I knew... audio file for the next class)
- Making songs (i.e. medium, mode, and range)
- Absent-record instructions for the sub or absent students
- Tests that need to be read aloud
- Tape readings
- Class recorder at the end of the day
- Safety procedures-"Stranger Danger"
- Things you need to know....
Podcasting Websites:
- Podcasting in Education - A great site about podcasting with many examples! K-12.
- Willow Web - A site where K-5 grade students publish their podcasts.
- Read Rockets - A site where you can download author podcasts to share with students.
- Kidsread - A site developed to share information about books and authors.
- Room 208 - A site developed by 3rd and 4th grade students.
- Mr. Gate's Class - A site developed by 2nd grade students.
- Learning in Hand - A site where you can learn about podcasting, download sample podcasts, and create podcasts.